
How are you? -material


This educational material was produced in the project Jaksaa, jaksaa? (19-22) which aimed to prevent study exhaustion in secondary schools. The educational material is comprised of four different themes:

  • Mental health and emotional skills
  • Inner strength and exhaustion
  • Social skills and communality 
  • Addressing things and seeking help

The materials are designed to be used as a part of teaching in secondary schools and with youth groups. Each theme forms its own around 30-minute-long module and they are planned to be executed with a teacher, councellor, group leader or other staff member of the school.

The modules are comprised of:

  • Videos, in which the theory related to each theme is introduced, followed by instructions for the assignments and discussions
  • Discussions with a partner or in a small group.
  • Independently done exercises

The counsellor will guide the flow of the education based on directions. The modules can be completed one at a time, at different times. Or multiple modules can be completed one after the other, depending on how much time there is available. The modules are best worked through in numerical order, starting from mental health and emotional skill and ending up with addressing things and seeking help.


Videos are not yet produced in english.


Instructions for the councelor

Additional information

If you have any questions about the materials or implementing them, please contact Yeesi's Mira (